Euromill is a Polish company with its registered office in Wrocław which performs duties in the field of the processing of all kinds of material, hydraulics as well as design and building specialized devices and stations. We take care of high quality of our services as well as long-lasting and stable character of the cooperation with our partners.
Mutual trust and satisfaction ? these are the goals which are set at the beginning of every cooperation. That is why we make all efforts to make the relations with our partners be characterized by flexibility and attachment to high quality. We guarantee then not only diligent and friendly contact but also providing innovative solutions, taking into account your individual needs and requirements.
Passion for new technologies, willingness to develop constantly and experience of 10 years – when summed up, they create a foundation of the Euromill.
Out of concern for maximum quality of the services and transparency of our actions, in 2016 we introduced the Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 standard.
We have been given partial funds of 66 322,46 PLN for purchase of ventilation devices within the project titled ?Obniżenie poziomu zapylenia na hali produkcyjnej Euromill S.C.? [?Decrease in level of pollution in a production hall Euromill S.C.?]
We have completed orders and contracts for companies in different parts of Poland and in the World (inter alia Germany, Austria, Belarus, Republic of South Africa) representing the automotive, railway, agriculture, home appliance or power hydraulics industries. We support with our experience the institutions of higher education (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw Medical University) in the conducted research and construction of prototypes. We have two industrial plants – in Wroclaw and Wilków by Złotoryja.
We complete individual orders, including the CAD/CAM phase or on the basis of the given documentation. We give a twelve-month warranty.
Our offer also covers consulting services in the field of workplace safety and development of industrial safety culture (including an industrial safety training, professional supervision over chemicals, according to the REACH requirements as well as supervision over legal requirements in the scope of environmental protection and industrial safety).
We invite you to submit requests for proposal.